譚伯羽譚季甫先生昆仲捐贈文物目錄,頁206、353&*翁同龢(西元一八三O-一九O四年),字叔平,號松禪,晚號瓶庵居士。江蘇常熟人。咸豐六年(一八五六)進士,同治和光绪朝兩代帝師,因戊戌政變,罷職歸里。 翁同龢以書法著世,兼習各家之長,本幅對聯集漢禮器碑字,上聯:「解得孔顏樂」,下聯:「自是戲皇人」。用筆方圓並濟,禿穎健毫,不假修飾,重在筆勢連貫,前後呼應。 此作譚伯羽、譚季甫先生昆仲捐贈。(20110101)&*Weng Tonghe (style name Shuping; sobriquets Songchan and Ping'an jushi), a native of Changshu in Jiangsu, was a Presented Scholar (jinshi) of 1856 and served as imperial preceptor in the Tongzhi and Guangxu reigns. After the Hundred Days' Reform in 1898, he retired and returned home. Weng was also famous for his calligraphy, learning from the virtues of many masters' styles. This couplet is a collection of characters from the Han dynasty Ritual Vessels Stele. The two scrolls read: "To achieve the joy of Confucius and Yan Hui" "Is to be one's own sovereign." The brushwork is both rounded and angular, the blunt tip strong yet fine. Without extraneous embellishment, the focus is on the brush power and its connections, achieving resonance to and fro. This work was donated to the National Palace Museum by Messrs. Tann Boyu and Tann Jifu.(20110101)&*翁同龢(1830-1904)、字は叔平、号は松禅、晩年は瓶庵居士と号した。江蘇常塾の人。咸豊6年(1856)進士、同治と光緒2代に渡って帝師(皇帝の教師)を務めたが、戊戌の政変によって解任され帰郷した。 翁同龢は書法によって世に知られている。各書家の長所をそれぞれ学んだ。この対聯は漢代礼器の碑字を集めたものである。 上聯「解得孔顔楽」 下聯「自是戯皇人」 用筆は方筆と円筆を混ぜつつ、筆先を巧みに使い分け、ことさら飾ることなく筆勢の連なりに重きを置き、前後の文字を呼応させている。 譚伯羽氏、譚李甫氏寄贈。 (20110101)